Friday, May 16, 2008

Red Letters Campaign

As many of you know, I like to look at other people's blogs, especially if I a) know them or b) have some kind of interest in what they mostly write about.

Some of the blogs I "stalk" are of families who are adopting children internationally, more specifically - from Ethiopia. I have always wanted to adopt, but I am lately wondering what I can do at this point in my life to support and help orphans/impoverished people. Obviously, I am not in a position to adopt at this moment, spiritually, emotionally, financially, or relationally (especially this one...I would maybe adopt as a single mom in like 12 years, but not until then....).

Anyways. All of this led me to checking out this guy named Tom Davis, who is president of Children's HopeChest, a children's relief/adoption services to orphans in several countries. He also is the initiator of the Red Letters Campaign and the book: Red Letters: Living a Faith the Bleeds.

The purpose of the book and the campaign (from what I can tell) is to motivate Christians and the church to live out our faith in a very tangible, active way, especially as it relates to helping the poor, forgotten and downtrodden of the world.

"In many Bibles, Christ's words are set apart with a red font. It should be obvious, but this distinction helps remind us that when God becomes Man and that Man speaks it's probably something we cannot afford to miss.

So why doesn't the church take these "red letters" to heart? Why aren't we doing more to be Christ's hands and feet to the poor, the disenfranchised, the weary, the ill, the fatherless, the prisoners? It's all there in red letters. Why has the Church shirked its responsibilities, leaving the work to be done by governments, rock stars, and celebrities?

The Gospel wasn't only meant to be read it was meant to be lived. From the HIV crisis in Africa to a single abused and lonely child in Russia, the Church must seize the opportunity to serve with a radical, reckless abandon." ~Book review

So, I ordered the book just now. I cannot wait to read it.Will this book change my life? I hope it will change my perspective. Can THE BOOK change my life? Most assuredly. Let's refocus on Christ's words, given to us in the Bible , and live them out so the world may know Christ!

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